Len Ross
EiP Business Development Advisor
Advisory Board Member
Len Ross is 53 years of age and is the business development manager for EiP. He holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration and Postgraduate Diploma in Management Studies. He retired as a Chief Superintendent with Cleveland Police (UK) in 2004 and during his last 10 years service he was a member of the forces executive (or board of directors) During his police service at Superintendent rank and above Len was the acting Head of the Complaints and Discipline Department, Head of Criminal Justice Unit, an operational area commander, Head of Corporate planning and his last role in the police was the Director of Community Development and Partnerships. His experience covers a wide range of policing including a major incident commander, investigations, public order commander and firearms incidents and command and control.
Len is committed to the development of policing and partnership working. He was actively involved as the Chair or Vice Chair of partnership Strategic Planning Groups, Member Regional Youth Justice Board. He was also the Police Authority Advisor on Best Value, and local Liaison Officer Her Majesty's Inspector of Constabulary. In his last year with Cleveland Police he was also a Member of the Association of Chief Police Officers Security Industries Authority (SIA) Advisory group.
Len was recognised locally by the Chief Constable for his expertise in areas of critical analysis and business development and entrepreneurial approach in dealing with partners. He was also commended for professionalism and sensitivity in handling internal investigations which could undermine the criminal justice system in the area.
Since leaving the police he has been an advisor during the development of EiP as well as running his own business as a Management Consultant and lecturing at the University of Teesside on Organised Crime focusing on the impact of drugs locally and internationally. His current projects include evaluating drugs services in the area.