Chris Cherry
EiP United States Development Advisor
Advisory Board Member
Christopher Cherry served as a Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps before embarking on a career as a Police Officer in 1985 with the Tom Green County Sheriff's Department in San Angelo, Texas. He has also worked as a Chief Deputy and a United States Border Patrol Agent prior to joining the Midland Police Department, Texas in 1989.
There his many assignments include working on the C.A.L.E.A. (Commission on Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies), a patrol officer, a field-training officer, the Department training coordinator, a patrol sergeant, a field training sergeant, a patrol lieutenant, and as a division commander over community services.
He has taught many topics at the Police Recruit Academy, is a firearms Instructor, a Master S.T.O.P.S. (Strategies and Tactics of Patrol Stops) Instructor, and he holds a Master Peace Officer Certification from the State of Texas.
Mr. Cherry a 2004 graduate of the FBI National Academy (218th), holding both a B.A. from Angelo State University and a Master of Science, from the University of Cincinnati, Ohio in Criminal Justice, has been involved in ethics training since the early 1990's. He has taught classes to law enforcement officers in three States and has had published ethics articles in a law enforcement journal with an international readership.
Serving on the boards of Directors of several profit and non-profit organizations, he is the past president (2002-2004) and past lieutenant governor (2005) for the Midland Optimist Club.
Chris, who will be retiring from active law enforcement in 2006, has served as an adjunct professor teaching undergraduate courses in organizational leadership for Mountain State University in Beckley, West Virginia since 2005.
Mr. Cherry has been married to his wife, Barbara, for 15 years and has two daughters, Sarah and Katie.