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The Journal of Ethics in Policing (ISSN 1750-4856) which is an interdisciplinary, peer reviewed, international electronic journal aimed at both the academic and the professional. Its primary aim is to provide a forum where authors can explore issues surrounding the ethical and moral dilemmas experienced by those engaged in law enforcement activities.

Articles can represent a broad range of substantive topics, theoretical and professional orientations, empirical methods, and analytic strategies. The journal will be published o­n the site for the benefit of registered members.

Available to MEMBERS ONLY click here to login/register and download your free copy. ( once logged in you can access the Journal from your : My account section of the site)

Contents 2009 Vol. 2

1. Terrorism and Policing Peter Villiers
2. A Delicate Balance Terrence P Dwyer
3. Values in Policing Robert Adlam, James McKinney and Peter Villiers

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The latest research and publishings from the foremost leader in policing available in one new Journal (ISSN 1750-4856).

Available to MEMBERS ONLY click here to login/register and download your free copy.
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Dr. John Jones:
A Duty of Care
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