Kerry Anderson
Founder of EiP
Kerry Anderson began his police career in 1975 as a Police Cadet with Cleveland Police, UK. He was appointed Constable in 1977 where he served as a patrol officer in Middlesbrough Division. Other assignments included Special Operations in which he also had a role as a diver in the Underwater Search Unit and Road Traffic Division before his promotion to Sergeant in 1987. As a Sergeant his positions included uniform patrol, Special Operations where again part of his duties was as officer in charge of Diving Operations within the Underwater Search Unit and finally Training & Development of new recruits at the regional training centre situated at Durham City, UK. He was promoted to Inspector in 1999 serving in Stockton Division as Personnel & Development Manager prior to being seconded to the University of Teesside to develop and teach ethics for Cleveland Police, UK. Other assignments included serving as Head of Strategic Planning prior to his retirement in March 2005.
Mr Anderson has qualified as a Police Trainer and as a Training Needs Analyst by National Police Training, UK. He is a graduate of the Ethics "train the trainer" programme and a graduate of the 10th Advanced Management College (Leadership & Ethics) both held by the The Institute For Law Enforcement Administration, The Centre For American and International Law, Texas USA. He is also a graduate of the Canadian Association of Chiefs Of Police "Ethical Leadership" programme held in Banff, Alberta, Canada. He holds a Certificate in Professional Development "Ethics & Policing" awarded by the University of Teesside, UK.
Kerry has worked on a project to develop counter corruption strategies and training in Lithuania prior to that country's acceptance within the European Union. He is currently collaborating on a contemporary piece of research regarding the ethical ideology of police officers, the impact that ethics training has on organisations and their ideology and the development of "halo corruption" within police officers. In 2002 he co presented a paper at the International Ethics Conference, Texas USA regarding the early findings of this research.
Kerry lives with his wife Marie and their daughters Kathryn and Leanne in Billingham, Cleveland UK.