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NEWS > 23 February 2006

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Family dog tied to tree, shot
TWO policemen have not been prosecuted for shooting a dog after tying it to a tree.

An inquiry recommended the men be summonsed under the Animal Welfare Act.

But police last night said the officers had been subjected only to "internal disciplinary action". The first officer fired at the family pet from close range but missed.

A shot from the second officer passed through the dog's neck - depriving it of the ability to bark - and cut the rope.

The animal ran home to its master with blood pumping out of the entry and exit bullet wounds.

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Advertiser Adelaide - Adelaide
23 February 2006
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Libs match bid in police numbe

BOTH Labor and the Liberals have promised to recruit an extra 400 police officers if they win government as they compete to be toughest on law and order.

Labor got in first with the announcement yesterday morning, promising to deliver an extra 100 officers a year for four years if re-elected on March 18.

A few hours later, Opposition police spokesman Robert Brokenshire was making the same commitment, downplaying his annoyance at missing the first go.

The pledges came just days after the Police Association demanded Labor and the Liberal Party commit to hiring an extra 400 officers.

Both parties conceded that to cater for the high drop-out rate of about 150 officers a year, more than 1000 police would need to be recruited over the next four years to have a net gain of 400.

Police Minister Kevin Foley said the recruitment would cost about $112 million over four years. Labor also promised to create three extra police shop fronts in Hallett Cove, the Campbelltown area and Munno Para - all in marginal electorates.

Making the announcement with Mr Foley, Premier Mike Rann trotted out his well-rehearsed line: "We are unashamedly tough on law and order".

"We are making the commitment today - a central commitment of this campaign - to recruit an extra 400 police in our next term," he said.

"We have been unshakeable in our resolve on law and order, right from the start. The Liberals in this state have been so soft on law and order."

But Mr Brokenshire accused Labor of "dropping the ball" on police recruitment, saying the Rann Government was forced by the Opposition and the Police Association into promising extra police on the beat by the middle of last year.

"They did not deliver," he said.

Mr Brokenshire said figures from SA Police show that Labor managed to recruit only 180 new officers in 2003 and 90 in 2004.

When asked how the Liberals' police recruitment policy differed from Labor's, Mr Brokenshire said: "We will have a comprehensive police policy that we will roll out during this election. Today we are announcing that a Liberal government after the 18th of March would deliver an additional 400 police during that term."

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