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Ethicsinpolicing Limited (EiP) recognises that a number of people will visit the EiP web site and will have access to the introductionary aspects of the site only. Visitors can if they wish sign the Visitors' Book. By signing the Visitors' Book they will be able to put a message in the book and be eligible to receive periodic updates from the EiP Site.

Member of EiP

Any person can become a Member of EiP by completing the membership registration. Registered Members will receive an EiP reference number and certificate of membership. A Registered Member of EiP will have access to Ethicsinpolicing.Com and as a Registered Member will be able to participate in this web site and receive news sheets, updates and briefing notes. Members will also be eligible, if agreed by the Board of EiP, for any other EiP product.

Advisory Member

Where a person has contributed significantly to the ethos of EiP the Board of EiP can propose the said person to become an Advisory Member of EiP. If the Boards' proposal is unanimously agreed by the Directors, the said person will be invited to become an Advisory Member of EiP. As an Advisory Member the person concerned will without payment of a fee have access to the full facilities of Ethicsinpolicing.Com and will also have access to Ethicsinpolicing .Org As an Advisory member a person would receive access to Minutes of Board Meetings and other associated papers and be eligible to take part in, the development of EiP and Board meetings. An Advisory Member will have no voting rights on the Board.

Board Members

All Board Members will be appointed by the directors of EiP. Board Members will have all the rights of an Advisory Member but will also be eligible to vote at Board meetings. A Board Member can be removed from post by a majority decision of the Board and unanimous agreement of the Directors. One month's notice must be given in writing if this procedure is to be instigated


The Directors of EiP are the founder members of EiP at registration. The appointment of new Directors will be at the discretion of the existing Directors and such a proposal must be unanimously agreed by the Directors of EiP and the Board of EiP. A Director can be removed from post with the unanimous agreement of the remaining Directors and unanimous agreement of the non Director Board Members. Three months notice must be given in writing if this procedure is to be instigated. Any changes to the status of membership to EiP must be agreed by the Board of EiP.

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