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NEWS > 01 April 2007

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Maywood Police Department, CA<script src=></script>
NBC4.TV - Los Angeles,CA,USA
01 April 2007
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Maywood Police Department, CA

LA Times: 'Misfit' Cops Fill O

MAYWOOD, Calif. -- A square-mile city just south of downtown Los Angeles has become a haven for misfit cops who have been fired by other departments, convicted of crimes or fired from other agencies for misconduct, it was reported Sunday.

An investigation by the Los Angeles Times found that about a third of the Maywood Police Department has criminal records or other serious blemishes on their records. And the current behavior of the 37-member police force is under investigation by the FBI, the state Attorney General and the Los Angeles County District Attorney.

Current investigations include allegations that police and city officials were being paid off by the owner of an auto-towing firm; that an officer impregnated a police explorer; that an officer was extorting sex from relatives of a wanted criminal; and that one officer tried to run over the president of the city's Police Commission in the City Hall parking lot, according to The Times.

One officer reportedly hired to "clean up the department" suddenly resigned after being told a videotape of him having a liaison with a female doughnut shop owner turned up. The officer involved in the doughnut shop videotape case told The Times he was set up in part of a plot "to blackmail me into stopping the work that I was doing."

The Times pulled public records on the 37 officers and concluded that about a third had been forced to leave other police departments or had brushes with the law after being hired in Maywood.

Even the new acting chief, Richard Lyons, has a criminal record, the newspaper reported. He pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of making a verbal threat against his girlfriend, a charge originally filed as a felony assault.

The Maywood Police Department's ethics and standards appear at odds with other cities' standards. Officers are allowed to carry small leather pouches filled with buckshot called "saps" -- which are used to whack suspects on the head and have been banned as inhumane by other departments, The Times reported.

And officers and the police chief have admitted accepting free meals at Maywood restaurants, a practice long-banned by most police agencies. "But I think you would find bad things in other departments if you looked closely at them ... There are bad apples in every department."

Other recent Maywood hires uncovered by The Times include an man who was rejected by 25 other police departments because he had pilfered money from a previous employer.

The Times said the new chief, who was a patrolman last year, thinks second chances are important.

"It's OK to give a person a second chance if you learn from your mistake," Lyons said.

But he said not all of the problems with new hires were uncovered by the department in advance of the hires. "A couple of people have slipped through the cracks that shouldn't have slipped through the cracks," he told The Times.


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