NEWS > 01 September 2006 |
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B.C. transit police tasered fa
Vancouver-area transit police will be included in a public inquiry into the use of Tasers by B.C. police officers after reports the stun guns were used on at least four non-violent transit users in the past year.
Former justice Thomas Braidwood, who is conducting two inquiries into Taser use, said Tuesday he will examine reports that passengers -- primarily those who had failed to pay their fares -- were tasered by SkyTrain transit police.
B.C.'s SkyTrain police are the only armed transit police force in Canada.
"That is unique and we will look at it," he said of the... Read more
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kgw.com (subscription) - Portl 01 September 2006
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No charge against Seattle poli
The King County prosecutor's office says there isn't enough evidence to file criminal charges against an off-duty Seattle police officer who shot a man.
An investigation by Kent police at the request of Seattle police Chief Gil Kerlikowske concluded that Officer Zsolt Dornay acted reasonably when he pulled out his service handgun and shot a man after he was assaulted by a group outside a bar in the Pike's Place Market.
James Walker, a 52-year-old criminal defense lawyer, suffered bullet wounds to his chest in the June 24 shooting which began when Dornay was riding his personal motorcycle through a narrow alley.
Lisabeth Dias, Walker's paralegal, had exited a bar after an office party and said Dornay's motorcycle mirror hit her arm. She tried to block his path and they got into an argument. Dornay drove 30 to 50 feet with her hanging onto the motorcycle and then the motorcycle fell over. A group of men came out of the bar after Dornay pushed her into a metal door.
The investigators said witnesses reported that the unidentified men began punching and kicking Dornay's head and torso. He attempted to defend himself but was quickly overwhelmed. Several witnesses said some of the men continued to punch and kick him even though he had been subdued and Dias was no longer in any apparent danger.
"Several witnesses noted that they felt that Officer Dornay's life was in danger if the group of males surrounding him continued to assault him," the report said.
While he was on the ground, he retrieved his service weapon from his waistband and fired several shots. Most of the people around him scattered but Walker appeared to be coming toward Dornay, who then fired several shots until Walker fell down, witnesses said.
"Officer Dornay reasonably believed he was still in danger and that shooting Mr. Walker was his only recourse. Thus, there is no evidence that Officer Dornay exceeded the amount of force necessary to protect himself from further harm," the report said.
The investigators concluded there may be grounds to charge the men who assaulted Dornay, but there was not enough evidence to identify his attackers.
Mike Frost, Walker's lawyer, said he did not agree with the decision not to file charges against Dornay, but that he was confident the prosecutor and the Kent Police made a thorough investigation of the case and the appropriate authorities made a decision that is within their power to do.
"I have great respect for the professionalism and integrity of the King County prosecutor's office," Frost said.
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